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Senin, 20 Oktober 2008

High cholesterol

(NC)-High cholesterol affects more than 10 million Canadians and is a modifiable risk factor for heart disease, the number one killer of Canadians. If you have recently been told that you have high cholesterol, you may have been very surprised. High cholesterol has no symptoms and anyone can develop it regardless of age, weight, gender, race or ethnic background.

It is important to understand that only 20 per cent of your cholesterol comes from the food you eat. The remaining 80 per cent is manufactured in the body by your liver. However, even though you may be eating well and exercising regularly, you may still have elevated cholesterol levels. Do not be discouraged. Sometimes lifestyle changes alone are not enough and your doctor may recommend medication to reduce your high cholesterol.

Treatment Options

The most commonly prescribed medications to lower cholesterol levels are statins, which work by restricting the liver's production of cholesterol. Statins can significantly lower LDL-cholesterol, raise HDL-cholesterol, and some even lower blood triglyceride levels, another element in determining your total cholesterol level.

When you take cholesterol-lowering medication, you still need to reduce dietary intake of saturated fats and cholesterol, and exercise on a daily basis. It is essential that you take your medication as recommended. Even when your cholesterol levels are reduced, do not stop taking your medication without discussing it first with your physician.

Nature Bath and Shower

Bath Foam with Revitalizing Apricot and White Tea

Busa mandi menyegarkan dengan ekstrak apricot dan white tea. 400 ml.

# 10958

Shower Gel with Revitalizing Apricot and White Tea

Gel mandi dengan aroma menyegarkan. Mengandung ekstrak apricot dan white tea. 200 ml.

# 10954

Soap Bar with Revitalizing Apricot and White Tea

Sabun bening dengan ekstrak apricot dan shite tea. 75 gr.

# 10940


DeMARCO Antiperspirant Deodorant Spray

Antiperspirant deodorant spray dengan keharuman De Marco. Formula beningnya tidak meninggalkan bekas di baju. Kocok sebelum menggunakan. Semprotkan di bawah lengan. 150 ml.

# 13856

DeMARCO Eau de Toilette

Aroma menggoda khas Italia yang elegan dan sensual. Aroma segar citrus, maskulin aromatik, dan kayu-kayuan yang hangat membuatnya sangat memikat. Sebuah wewangian bagi pria penggoda. 50 ml.

# 13191

Visions V* Roll-on Lip gloss

Visions V* Roll-on Lip gloss

Pelembab bibir yang berkilau dengan 3 rasa buah lezat. 1,7 ml.

# 13915 Visions V* Roll-on Lip Gloss - Mandarin Squeeze

# 13916 Visions V* Roll-on Lip Gloss - Passion Fruit Pulp

# 13917 Visions V* Roll-on Lip Gloss - Watermelon Crush

Visions V* moonlit Shimmer Glitter Gel

Gel menyejukkan dengan butiran berkilau untuk wajah dan tubuh Anda. 35 ml.

# 13879

POP Glam

POP Glam

# 12872 Pop Glam plump & gloss - vibrant pink

# 12873 Pop Glam Eye Shadow - energetic green

# 12876 Pop Glam Nail Polish - energetic peach

# 12835 Pop Glam glimmer powder - golden tan

# 12871 Pop Glam plump & gloss - energetic babe

# 12874 Pop Glam Eye Shadow - vibrant lilac

# 12875 Pop Glam Nail Polish - vibrant rose

# 12835 Pop Glam glimmer powder - golden tan

# 12845 Pop Glam Glossy Pink Eau de toilette

# 12878 Pop Glam Electric Yellow Eau de toilette

# 12997 Pop Glam Soap Bar Raspberry Cooler

# 13029 Pop Glam Soap Bar Melon Sorbet

# 13032 Pop Glam Hair And Body Wash Tropical Smoothie

# 13033 Pop Glam Body Lotion Vanilla Shake

Protein Power

Protein Power: What It Is

The popularity of low-carbohydrate, high-protein diets is is not as high as it was years ago when Protein Power, which graced the New York Times best-seller list for over a year. Low-carb, high-protein diets continue to offer weight loss options.

Written by a married couple of MDs, Michael R. and Mary Dan Eades, the book promises that you will "feel fit and boost your health -- in just weeks!" The cover includes praise from one of their diet-expert-author competitors, Barry Sears, author of The Zone, who calls their book nothing less than "The Nutritional Primer of the Nineties."

What sets Protein Power apart is the wealth of historical information about low-carbohydrate diets and how these have influenced dieters galore, ever since William Banting wrote his Letter on Corpulence in the mid 1800s. The Eades also provide scientific explanations for the functions of insulin and glucagons, the major hormones involved in the food-to-fuel process, along with plenty of encouragement and practical suggestions, such as what to order in a French restaurant or fast food joint.
Protein Power: What You Can Eat

Those of you who crave steak, eggs, and cheese will have a great time on this diet. Vegetarians will not, because tofu is the main source of protein allowed non-meat eaters. And as even the most dedicated know, tofu three times a day can get tiresome.

To determine your daily protein quotient, the authors take you through a series of steps and measurements to determine your body fat and lean body mass, as well as ask you to assess your physical activity level.

You may choose your protein from fish, poultry, red meat, low-fat cheese (cottage cheese, feta, mozzarella, Muenster), eggs, and tofu. If you want to lose a lot of fat (the authors don't say you lose weight, but fat instead) or correct a health problem, you can add only 30 grams of carbohydrate, or less, divided throughout the day. If your need to lose is not so great, you can up that quota to 55 grams per day. Favorite low-carb foods? Lists of low-carb fruits and vegetables are given to make your life easier. These include leafy green vegetables, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, eggplant, zucchini, green beans, asparagus, celery, cucumber, mushrooms, and a surprise fruit that rarely makes the diet sweepstakes: avocado, high in fat, but low in carbs.

Add in 25 grams of fiber (you can subtract the fiber grams from the carbohydrate grams in commercially processed foods, which gives you more carbs to play with), and healthy fats: olive and nut oils, avocado, and butter. Drink at least eight glasses of water per day. And a glass of wine or a light beer is OK, but their carbs count, too.

The Best Life Diet

What It Is

Exercise physiologist Bob Greene's Best Life Diet is an easy-to-follow, no-gimmicks approach to a healthy diet and lifestyle. It's a dietitian's dream diet -- and one that apparently changed talk show host Oprah Winfrey's life. Winfrey describes in the foreword how, after years of struggling with diets, she found success with The Best Life Diet.

There is nothing groundbreaking about this diet. Greene's "diet" is synonymous with the phrase "lifestyle change." There's no going on and off this diet, because it's not a "diet." It's a lifestyle of healthy eating, with an emphasis on regular physical activity.

Related to diet and weight loss

Alli, apple cider vinegar, low carb diet, high protien diet, weight loss, metabolism, Mediterranean diet, diet pills, trans fat, BMI calculator, detox diet, diabetes diet, Body for Life
© 2008 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved.

The Best Life Diet is a safe, effective way to lose weight and improve fitness. But it is not quick or temporary. You're encouraged to make gradual changes, one step at a time. The aim is to transform your old eating and exercise habits into healthier new ones that will last a lifetime.

Depending on your gender and activity level, the Best Life Diet guidelines suggests calorie levels ranging from 1,500-2,500 and a recommended number of servings from the various food groups. The basic premise is that the more active you are, the more calories you can eat.

Greene's fitness insights and easygoing style makes weight loss easy to understand. Lots of great tips, recipes, menus, and useful tools are included to help dieters get and stay motivated. The Best Life Diet is easily tailored to a wide array of personal lifestyles, activity levels, and food preferences. The program can be followed online for a fee, or by the book.
What You Can Eat

There is no calorie-counting, only a mindful approach to making wise food choices and monitoring portion sizes. Splurges are worked into the program during the third phase with an allotment of "anything goes" calories.

It appears very simple. You can enjoy a wide variety of healthy foods while slowly ridding your diet of unhealthier choices such as fried foods, foods containing trans fats, white bread, sugary soft drinks, regular pasta, and high-fat dairy. These foods are phased out and replaced with healthier foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy, and more. Weekly eating plans provide suggested meals.

Greene has placed his Best Life Diet seal of approval logo on a variety of food products he recommends as healthy. Dieters are asked to make their healthier choices from a recommended list of foods from companies involved in corporate sponsorship.
How It Works